Keeping up with new digital technologies is a full time job. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.


Facebook users add friends, send and receive message ‘posts’ and join networks according to city, workplace, school, and region as well as those groups that interest them.

Facebook business pages are a great platform to promote events and company information. Make sure your personal profile page is interesting and includes photos and business information to attract visitors.

Publish posts regularly to discuss new topics and post content that relates to your business. Interact with your followers and answer any questions they may have about your business.




Twitter is a micro-blogging, social network site for users to update (tweet) with links that interest them. Tweets are up to 140 characters in length and can be information about the business or current events. Be as concise as possible with your business news and updates. Schedule your tweets to save time and stay active on twitter using tools such as Tweetdeck or through Hootsuite if you want to manage multiple Twitter accounts at once.

Follow businesses similar to your own as well as people that interest you. People who follow you will receive your updates, and vice versa. A great way to connect with other businesses in your industry and keep up to date with what they are doing.




Pinterest is fast becoming one of the top social media tools to organise, discover and share the things you love through pictures on a virtual pinboard. Businesses can use Pinterest to repin items, post pictures of products or interesting photos and videos that link back to their website. People can comment on the items posted on the pinboard and share the item on other social media such as Facebook.

Pinterest is great for showing images in a stylish way such as mood boards for design and style or fashion and recipes you want to share.




YouTube allows video sharing on the Internet where you can upload, view and share video clips. Videos are very powerful marketing tool with lots of web users sharing videos to Facebook and through other social media platforms. YouTube is used by businesses to deliver video based testimonials, share information and give tours on the property for businesses such as hotels, spas and resorts.

When uploading to YouTube make sure that you post your videos in the category relevant to your business to draw the right target audience.


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