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What is Email Marketing

Any time you send an email message to a customer – past, present or future – you’re doing email marketing.

It’s one of the most enduring forms of digital marketing for a reason – because when it’s done well, it works.

With 3.3 billion accounts worldwide, email continues to be the biggest priority for Australian digital marketers. 97% of marketers use email to get their message through. (Source: 2012 Digital Marketing Big Australia Report).

Sending a message to a past, present or potential customer via email is one of the most cost efficient and effective marketing channels.

A quality, opt-in database paired with good copy and great a looking, Spam compliant email design means better results.


We believe there are four key elements to a successful email marketing campaign: strategy, data, content and design and reporting. All these elements need to be brought together with an overarching strategy to help you get the best ROI for your email marketing investment.

The Sodafizz team has over 13 years’ experience in email marketing. Some of our original email newsletters were — text-only. Yes, really. In that time we’ve learnt a thing or two about what works and what’s a waste of time and money.

If you’re still using Outlook or some clunky email system to send bulk messages to your customers we’ve got news for you. There is a better way.

Sodamail: a powerful, good-looking, easy to use email send solution.Get a free quote