Mobile email rising and rising

We have recently crunched email usage numbers and have been very surprised by the rapid rise of email opens on mobile devices.

In just 2 years, usage of clients such as iPhone, iPad and Android has increased five-fold – amazing! This is particularly impressive considering that in 2009 the iPad and Android had only just been released and the bulk of mobile email was on BlackBerry phones that didnt support HTML.

Interestingly the desktop has worn the brunt of the marketshare loss, with web-based email client remaining quite constant although the buzz in the Sodafizz office is that we arent tracking web-based emails viewed on mobiles.

Looking at the data from May 2011, here’s the breakdown of market share across these mobile email clients.

Are you mobile ready?

Get in touch with Sodafizz to see how we can help your brand get ready for the mobile revolution.