Content Marketing – Your New Priority

Content marketing is the creation and distribution of content for the purpose of attracting and retaining customers and influencing their consumer behaviour. You want new customers, right?

Strangely, content marketing is a kind of non-marketing. It is not a sales pitch but rather a subtle and sophisticated lead nurturing process that allows you to communicate with your customers and leads without actually selling. The Jedi Mind Trick of Digital Marketing, if you will.

Through delivering quality, timely, valuable content to your customer base, your organisation builds loyalty with this audience. No pushy sales spiels, just a calm, confident provision of useful information. According to a report by Roper Public Affairs, 70% of customers say content marketing makes them feel closer to the company, building consumer loyalty and a connection to the brand. And in the sales process, it’s all about trust.

While the end goal is sales conversions, there are many other benefits of content marketing. Professionally written content assets can:

• Position your company as an expert and innovator
• Build brand awareness outside of your core audience
• Drive traffic to your website
• Create a dialogue between you and your customers
• Assist with customer attraction and retention.

Roper Public Affairs reveals that 60% of consumers say that the content marketing provided by companies assists them with making better decisions. So, what content should I use? Remember this is not a sale pitch. Content marketing must be unobtrusive and informative.

This could include:

• A great white paper on your industry sector
• A well written blog providing commentary on issues effecting your customers’ industry
• A stunning infographic providing useful statistics that your customers can use in their own organisations.

Great content doesn’t create itself and the success of your content marketing depends on having a plan for what to create and a team to pull it off.

When crafting your content strategy, remember to pick all the meat of your content bones, and repurpose that message across a number of channels, with, for instance,  a white paper that can be stripped out into a top ten best practice list that can be further rewritten into bite-sized social media posts.

Make content marketing your new priority for 2015.

Need a hand? Get in touch.