How Facebook Reactions Impact Your News Feed

How Facebook Reactions Impact Your News Feed

Not getting more of the content you want to see on your News Feed? If your Feed is clogged with Kardashian news (and not by choice), it might be time to start using Facebook Reactions instead of sticking to a good old-fashioned ‘Like’ next time you respond to a post. Here’s why.

When it comes to content, Facebook Reactions > Like

In a statement released by Facebook via Mashable, it turns out posts that elicit a stronger reaction than a simple ‘Like’ carry more weight in the grand scheme of things. The Facebook News Feed algorithm now takes into account whether you ‘Like’ a post versus whether you use the ‘Love’, ‘Haha’, ‘Wow’, ‘Sad’ or ‘Angry’ Reaction.

A Facebook spokesperson said in a statement:

“Over the past year we’ve found that if people leave a Reaction on a post, it is an even stronger signal that they’d want to see that post than if they left a Like on the post.”

How to hack your News Feed

If you want Facebook to know you’re interested in more of the same, remember to steer clear of the ‘Like’ button in favour of any of the Reaction emojis. At this stage, Facebook Reactions all weighted the same, so it doesn’t matter whether you choose to use ‘Haha’, ‘Angry’ or any of the other Reactions – just remember to click and hold the ‘Like’ button to see the full range.

And the best way to receive less of a particular style of content on your News Feed? Ignore it. An ‘Angry’ reaction will only make your bond to that content stronger.

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