5 Christmas Email Marketing Must-Dos

5 Christmas Email Marketing Must-Dos

The average business email address receives 81 emails per day.* So how do you make sure your Christmas marketing campaign gets opened, let alone stands out in the overcrowded inbox?

1. Start with segmentation

Step away from the send button. Before you even think about creating an email campaign, it’s crucial to make sure it’s relevant and personal, through segmentation.

When segmenting your subscribers, you can look at their purchase history and product preferences.
Or you might try segmenting through personas. This type of segmentation goes a little further, by incorporating customer demographics. But the extra work pays off, with click through rates rising by 16%.*

2. Add a stellar subject line

Customers judge an email by its subject line, which means great content is irrelevant without a killer subject line.

Including incentives in your subject line can increase your open odds by 50%. The best part? Incentives work even better during the holiday season.*

Your subject should also be short, include punchy or clever Christmas wording and it’s always good to include a number (e.g. 6 Silly Season Savings).

3. Fill with awesome content

So your email was opened, hooray! Now it’s time to make sure it drives an action, through engaging content.

It’s far easier (not to mention, more cost effective) to get sales from your existing customers than finding new ones. Don’t just promote your products; give your customers something extra. Try curated gift guides and special offers like free shipping (69% of customers will be more likely to purchase if free shipping is offered).*

4. Make it Responsive

40% of emails are now opened on a mobile device,* and 42% of shoppers plan on purchasing on their mobile this Christmas,* which mean you’re eliminating almost half of your audience if your emails aren’t responsive. (Hint: Emails sent through Sodamail our own branded email marketing tool are 100% responsive).

5. Send Send Send

One Christmas email isn’t going to cut it. But sending 25 emails is probably a little excessive. The frequency of your send will depend on your business and what you have to say, but possible topics could include last-minute order deadlines and holiday opening hours.

It’s not too late to add some fizz to your email marketing this Christmas. Get in touch and tap into your Christmas customer base today.