Pinterest: The Digital Dream Board

We all know that understanding our audience is crucial when it comes to social media. But knowing who your customers are is no longer enough. We have to begin to understand who our audience wants to be. Cue Pinterest.

Daniel Maloney, CEO of Tailwind summed up the online space when he said “Twitter is mostly about what I’m doing. Facebook is about who I am. Pinterest is about who I want to be.”

So why do we have to understand who our audience wants to be?

Because, your brand is going to help them get there. And since Pinterest is the mother of aspirational content, you best get on board. Here are a few reasons why:

Pins Live Forever

Content on Pinterest, or Pins, have a longer lifespan than any other social channel. While tweets become stale within 5-25 minutes and Facebook posts after 80 minutes, Pins survive for an entire week. And unlike Tweets and Posts, Pins get better with age, gaining traction months after they have been pinned.

Pins Drive Traffic

Pinterest is also excellent at driving traffic back to your website. Combine this with content that has an above average lifespan (which Pins do) and you have a mecca for referral traffic. Over the past 18 months, the number of search results containing Pinterest content has doubled, while Pins in the home and beauty categories have increased by 400% year-over-year.

Pins Sell Products

Which means a higher ROI.

The audience on Pinterest is primarily research focused. They’re on Pinterest because they’re redecorating their home or looking for the perfect gift.*

This mentality means that Pinterest users are more likely to make a purchase than users of other social sites. Plus, when a Pinterest user lands on your site, their average order is around $179. That’s more than double what a Facebook user would spend.

While these are all great reasons for your brand to get started on Pinterest, remember that you’ll need killer content to make your pins stick, drive traffic and increase sales. Creating content that is aspirational, as opposed to inspirational is the key. Pins should help the user achieve their long-term goals, rather than provide temporary inspiration.

Get in touch to find out how your business can get started on Pinterest.

*By the way, Product Pins in the gift category have a higher click through rate than any other type of pin.