SEO Relevance Explained

SEO Relevance Explained

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the ongoing process of making sure that your website is looked on favourably by search engines, which in turn should hopefully ensure your site appears on the first page or two of the search engine results.

One of the most important elements of a good SEO ranking is what’s called ‘relevance’. Relevance asks: what is this page/what’s it for/what’s it saying.

If the answer is clear search engines are likely to give it a big tick for relevance, one important score you need for a good position on the search results page.

There are a number of elements that determine a page’s relevance score.

First up is the title tag of the web page, obviously this needs to say honestly and concisely what the page is.

Next up, a search engine will review your pages for relevant terms in your content. These can be the keywords people use to find your product or service but they should also be in context and not adjective-laden gobbledegook.

Having link text that describes the page you are about to visit will also help your relevance score. For instance, naming your link SEO Services instead of ‘click here’ is going to assist your relevance score.

Building links to your site from related third-party websites is another way of boosting how relevant a search engine sees your site. But these need to be links from relevant sites too, not just any old website.

Another indicator of a site’s relevance is what a user does after they visit your page from the search results page. If they stay on your site, you get points for relevance. If they head back to the search results page, your site is probably not what they were looking for (and will take a hit on the relevance score).

Making your website relevant to search engines is crucial to attracting the right visitors. Having the right content is essential to receiving a good relevance score. You can’t rank well on terms if you do not have a page with content that relates to that search term.

Undertaking keyword research informs you of what customers looking for your products and services are actually typing into search engines. These terms may not exactly match the words you use to describe your business but if you are interested in reaching this audience you need to ensure your site content reflects this.

Sodafizz can conduct an SEO review of your website and advise you of a strategy to improve your search engine relevance. Ask us how SEO can boost traffic to your website today.