how to use social media throughout the customer journey

How to Use Social Media Throughout the Customer Journey

It is common knowledge that social media is an important part of any brand’s marketing strategy. What you may not realise, however, is that social media plays a different role depending on the stage of the buying cycle your customer is at.

What customers need from you at the start of their journey will not be the same as what they need from you at the end. This means that the approach and messaging will have to adapt and change at each stage of the customer journey.

Stage 1: Initial interest

In this phase, customers are first becoming aware of your brand or service, and are deciding whether or not they are interested in what products you (and your competitors) are offering.

Use this opportunity to create awareness about your services. That way, customers will think back to your brand when they are in the research stage. Do this by posting educational content that is entertaining and informational at the same time.

You can also reach your target audience through paid advertising on different social channels.

Stage 2: Research

When customers have decided that they are interested in a particular type of product, the research phase begins. They want to know more about their options and why they should choose a specific brand.

This is where highlighting the key features of your product comes in. What are the benefits individual to your brand? Why should a customer pick you? These are the types of questions you should be asking yourself at this stage.

On social media, post links to specific product pages or FAQs to help inform your audience.

Stage 3: Proof

In this stage, customers need to feel validated that they are making the right decision. A great way to do this is by legitimising your brand by providing information and third-party reviews of your products or services.

Share testimonials on your social media, and if applicable, provide easy access to reviews on each product page on your website.

Stage 4: Decision

This is where the customer has decided to take action by purchasing your product. Make this even more irresistible by posting promotional offers like sales or discounts that link directly to their corresponding landing page.

If your brand is on Facebook, you can also retarget customers that have visited your website to encourage returning customers.

Stage 5: Repeat purchase

If customers are satisfied with your product or service and can see the value that you provide, they may return to make another purchase.

Make this easy for them by using social media to stay top of mind. Provide ongoing customer support and answer public questions in a friendly, timely fashion so that other potential customers can see this, too.

Ask your customers for feedback about your product. This encourages interaction and reflection so that you remain in their thoughts. Take advantage of this by posting any new promotions on social media.

Stage 6: Ambassador

This stage is a powerful promotional tool for your brand. When customers are delighted with their overall experience with your company, this can lead to them becoming advocates for you. This is particularly powerful on Instagram, where brand advocacy is the norm.

Reshare content from customers saying positive things about your brand. That way, other happy customers will be encouraged to include your product or service in their posts, and the cycle continues.

Need a hand crafting social media posts that will encourage customers to purchase your product or services? Get in touch.