4 Easy Content Marketing Hacks

4 Easy Content Marketing Hacks

If you want your content marketing to cut through the online noise, you have to first understand why consumers engage with particular content. There’s no magic formula for creating viral content, yet some brands seem to hit the nail on the head, every time. Why?

Easy: They’ve tapped into how to make content great for their particular audience. If you want to know how to do the same, read on…

Make it feel-good

This one is simple: People are drawn to stuff that makes them happy. Write content that evokes feelings of laughter or awe in your readers to appeal to a person’s sense of humor. By doing this, readers will be more inclined to share it with their friends, meaning you will have upped your engagement rate. Win-win!

Keep it readable

And we don’t just mean in terms of what the content is actually saying. If you’re using different fonts left, right and centre, the reader will find your content taxing. It may look pretty, but it will put people off – especially if you’re asking a customer to perform a task. Use a simple font and an ample, easy-to-read font size.

Write surprising headlines

Content with a friendly, yet surprising headline will intrigue your audience. Make your content more clickable by writing headlines that your audience will love, but wouldn’t expect from you – and they’ll love you even more for it.

Take advantage of FOMO

Consumers hate to miss out, which is why your messaging should imply a sense of urgency. Whether it be due to limited quantity or limited time, products tend to become a whole lot more coveted when consumers are under the impression that they’re about to run out. Implied scarcity can be a powerful motivator.

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