6 Ways to Use a Welcome Email to Engage Subscribers

6 Ways to Use a Welcome Email to Engage Subscribers

Are you guilty of not sending a welcome email to new subscribers? You are missing out on an opportunity to engage them from the get-go. So what should your welcome email say?

Tell subscribers what’s so good about you

Save your subscribers from the uncertainty of what your future emails offer by telling them in the sign up process. Before you even send your welcome email, make sure people know what is so good about receiving updates from your business. Next to, above or below your subscribe button, set audience expectations with a short and sweet description of what subscribers can expect to receive. Remember: Dot points are your best friend.

Make your subject line work for it

When it comes to sending a welcome email, the subject is the first thing your subscribers see in their inbox. If you don’t optimise the copy in your subject line, your email may not even be opened. Keep it concise and specific. You might consider throwing in popular words like “thank you” or “welcome” when deciding on a subject line for a welcome email.

Keep it personal

When writing the content of your email, remember that people like to be called by their name rather than empty terms like “valued customer” (so make sure you capture this info in your sign up form to use later). Use their name when greeting them in the first line of your content. If you want to go the whole hog, try personalising the subject line, too.

Make your content relevant

People are subscribing to emails and newsletters to receive content relevant to their interests – it is the whole reason why they sign up in the first place. Make sure your copy is easy to digest, short and personalised. To solidify the subscription, make sure you reinforce the value of signing up to your email list. If it applies to your business, you could take the opportunity to further engage subscribers by including a special offer. And don’t forget a call-to-action button!

Remember the visuals

On-brand, visual content can captivate the reader in ways that words can’t. It’s simple, really: people like emails that look good. Engage your audience immediately with stunning visuals that create a desire to interact with your brand.

Optimise your emails for mobile

It is crucial that every email you send to your subscribers be optimised for mobile – and in 2015, is it any wonder? People consume vast amounts of content on their mobile or tablet, and reading emails is no different. Make sure you drive subscriber engagement and get better results from your campaigns through mobile optimisation. No idea where to start? Check out our 6 hints for optimising email campaigns for mobile.

Need help creating and delivering an awesome email marketing strategy that will engage your subscribers? Get in touch.