Do you have a Mobile Email Strategy?

Mobile is on track to exceed desktop and webmail email usage by the end of the year

Mobile is fast becoming the platform of choice with people using their smartphones to do any number of things other than just to talk. From photos and Facebook updating to games and downloading apps, this change in how we are using our phones has put mobile on track to exceed both webmail and email desktop clients as the platform of choice to view emails.

The recent study by Return Path studied data over a 6-month period between March 2011 and March 2012 in nearly a billion data points to see how this growth was affecting email. The findings showed that webmail clients are in a steady decline as users opt for viewing email on their mobile device – a whopping 82.4% increase.

Apple devices rule the wireless airwaves

iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch accounted for 85% of all opens on mobile devices and Android mobile phones made up 14% of all opens. Amongst Apple devices iPad is increasing with readership going up by 5% in preference to reading emails on the iPhone.

Time of day is still a factor in the platforms people are using to read their email, with users preferring the desktop in the working week and their mobile at the weekend.

So what does this mean for email marketers?

Tracking the device on which your subscribers are being reached is key to keeping up to date with user behaviour when it comes to reading their emails.

With mobile platforms being used more and more, adapting your website or email campaign to suit mobile devices will result in a better user experience. If your mobile email marketing is well designed, users are more likely to want to convert or respond to your marketing messages.

Get in touch to discuss mobile email marketing solutions.