Google Places for Business

1 in 5 searches on Google are related to location

Google Places listing often appear in top positions. Creating an optimised Google Places business listing is one of the easiest ways to gain maximum exposure online.

Optimise Places listings with relevant business details, images and useful information for your customers (trading hours, payment methods).

Improve rankings with relevant citations on industry specific directories including Yellow Pages, Hot Frog etc.

Google Places Case Study

MC Cyclery launched their new Giant Bikes concept store in Sydney’s CBD. A highly competitive location for a new player to enter with many of Sydney’s oldest bike stores located within a 2km radius.

MC Cyclery engaged Sodafizz to create and optimise their Google Places listings with excellent results.

570% increase in impressions June/Sep 2011

Sodafizz have again delivered the results we were only dreaming of
Nick Bonich
MC Cyclery Online Manager

Contact Sodafizz to optimise your businesses Google Places listing.