Which is the best social media channel for your brand

Which is the Best Social Media Channel for your Brand?

Social media: Everyone and their brand are on it. But determining the best channels for your business isn’t so easy. You may be starting up a new business venture or simply moving your brand into the 21st century – and social media in 2015 is a must-have.

Before you post, you must decide which social media platform is right for your brand. Here are five ways to go about determining which social network will give you the biggest return.

Does the network offer what you need?

There are more social media channels than ever – which makes it even more crucial the one/s you select for your business are really going to work for you. Don’t use as many as you can – really think about which ones are relevant for your goals, otherwise you risk spreading yourself too thin.

For example, you may be thinking about advertising (in addition to posting daily content) to grow your number of followers and potential customers on social media. If you’re a big company, you might aim for Instagram – the advertising on Instagram is very expensive, and therefore not accessible for smaller brands. Facebook and Twitter, however, can be completely customisable and very affordable.

Does your audience actually use it?

Obvious, but easy to overlook. Don’t get caught up in the excitement of building your brand on social media channels that your desired audience doesn’t even use. Think about your target demographic when choosing a platform and whether or not it is the best use of your brand’s time.

Why is your audience using it?

Think about why members of your audience are using a specific social media platform, and what they’re hoping to get out of their time. As you consider this, remember what works for one platform will definitely not work across the board – so you don’t want to be posting Facebook-style copy on Twitter, for example (first things first – it won’t fit in the 140 character limit!). Take the time to listen and engage with your audience, and customise your posts on each channel.

Will your brand hold a unique position on the network?

There are so many brands on each social media network that the general public is fed up with following those that don’t add value. Many brands approach social media in a generic way that serves to only add to the noise. Accentuate your individuality, and create a presence that your target demographic looks forward to seeing. For example, if you are a visual brand, then posting captivating pictures on Instagram may just be your niche.

Does it work for you?

If you don’t think you have the resources to maintain a consistent presence with quality content on a certain platform, forget about using it. Put these resources into a social media channel that is more worthwhile for you. It’s not worth creating mediocre content – if it doesn’t elicit a reaction, it’s not worth you or your customer’s time. To build customer loyalty and brand awareness, choose a network where you know your content will thrive.

Need help choosing a social media platform that works for you? Sodafizz rock at social media. Get in touch.